Whatever He declares is binding in all spheres of existence |
The king’s edict granted the Jews in every city the right to assemble and protect themselves; to destroy and kill and annihilate any armed force of any nationality of province that might attack them and their women and children; and to plunder the property of their enemies.”
Authority and dominion were two major things that man was created for which he lost when he rebelled against God. One of the interesting points about the parable in Luke 15:11-31 is after the prodigal son came back home, that the father commanded his servants to put a ring on his finger.
This is a sign of restored authority. Those who are born again and have returned to the Father’s will as members of His new household, receive the authority to fulfill their Kingdom destiny in His Name (Luke 10:19).
This is a sign of restored authority. Those who are born again and have returned to the Father’s will as members of His new household, receive the authority to fulfill their Kingdom destiny in His Name (Luke 10:19).
These have also become the bride of Christ and bear the seal of a kingdom not of this world, just like Esther was in a royal setting where documents and decrees that were signed or sealed in the name of the king could not be revoked (see Esther 8:7-8). Christ declared (in a more accurate rendering of Matthew 16:19), that His church would bind on earth things that have been bound in heaven and that she would loose things on earth that have been loosed in heaven. A major form of compromise is when we permit things which have been banned in our spiritual home country to continue developing unconfronted on earth. Similarly, pride and selfish ambition, can make us hinder what has been allowed in heaven to take root and flourish on the earth.
Esther was given the king’s own signet ring, to write a counter-edict that would ensure the deliverance of the Jews. She used her position as the bride of the king to make a difference that was not possible any other way. Afterward, her people found refuge and deliverance when the writing for their protection was done in the name of the king.
The name of the Lord is a strong tower, the righteous run into it and are safe. Before He ascended, the King of kings declared that all authority in heaven and earth had been given to Him. His Bride the church, is now called to reclaim the world back from the hands of the enemy who seeks to steal, kill and destroy. Lost and struggling souls in the nations need to find refuge in the Name that is above all others. This is a noble task and it is part of our mission. Like Esther, we have been called to become intercessors who are willing to risk everything in order to stand in the gap and see the deliverance of the masses. The royal status the believer receives as bride of the King is a position that can make an eternal difference for such a time as this!
Vessels and Means
In the above quoted passage, several players were involved and each was in their place. The king, Esther, the royal secretaries, the couriers and the horses which had been specially bred for official assignments. In the same way, the end-time task of the church will be effective when every one of us finds his or her place in the Kingdom and we position ourselves to perform what He desires to be done. Our praying needs to target this need.
Note that even the horses were bred especially for the king. Today's vehicles for carrying out the King's purposes, including ministry and the work of missions, are not to be carried out in just any manner we may come up with or using any means available however appealing. The King wants it to be done in the manner and with the means that have been prepared for Him. We will fail and if we try to do it using methods that have not been prepared in this manner. He is the Lord of the harvest.
Our prayer ought to be such that it aligns us directly with the royal purpose behind our calling and gifting. The ministries that will be effective in bearing lasting fruit will be those which have been prepared not for us or for our ambitions, but for Him. One definition of the church is that it is a living letter from God written in the hearts of men and women. The world needs to read the edict of the King not just from our literature or from our lips but from our lifestyle! Our praying needs to unite us with Him in such a manner that this becomes possible.
The edict of the king is what gave the people the right and the legal ground to act against the plot that the enemy had devised for their destruction. The same is true today. We need to see that once even those who are unsaved repent and believe, they too will have the right to assemble and fellowship together in the presence of the Spirit of God. They will receive the authority in His Name to fight back against the darkness that has been released in this age to corrupt and destroy. They too will join the war to plunder the enemy camp!
There is taking place a swift equipping of people of different nationalities in these last days. They are being given in their own languages the opportunity to receive and act upon the message of the King who is also the Lord of all the earth. This process will intensify as we head on toward the final conflict between authorities of the two spiritual kingdoms. Just as during the time of decree, the reaction was such that many who were of other races also became Jews themselves, this is a time of preparation for the church to yet again emerge as a powerful witness of the saving power of Christ to the nations.
To Counter a Scheme
Haman was a crafty plotter and knew whatever law was passed in the court of the king bearing his sign was binding upon the people. The outworking of his plot was transmitted like an epidemic. It spread everywhere.
Having been in royal service within the courts of heaven in eternity past, Satan was conversant with the rules and protocols of government in the Kingdom. He knew from the beginning, that God would not change His word if sin was found in man whom He had created. Despite the fact that He loved man, and still does, He is just. Whatever He declares is binding in all spheres of existence, including the earthly realm.
Having been in royal service within the courts of heaven in eternity past, Satan was conversant with the rules and protocols of government in the Kingdom. He knew from the beginning, that God would not change His word if sin was found in man whom He had created. Despite the fact that He loved man, and still does, He is just. Whatever He declares is binding in all spheres of existence, including the earthly realm.
So on the basis of this knowledge, Satan set about deceiving man so that the latter would fall from the grace of God by sinning against Him. Since the fall of man, sin has spread like a lethal cancer and the only solution is for it to be eradicated in the same way it was originally contracted. Scriptures declare that from one man, sin spread among all men, such that in the first man Adam all die. But the good news is that in the last Adam, Christ the King, all can now be made alive.
It was not enough for Haman to be ousted and for the decree of deliverance for the Jews to be passed through the court of the king. Copies had to be made of this edict and its contents spread abroad to all, so that they could understand the opportunity they had and use it.
Think about this. Although the decree for their deliverance had been passed, the Jews would still have been annihilated if they had not been made aware of their position and standing in relation to the King prior to the day of conflict.
As we have noted, it was from a position of knowledge that Satan hatched the plot to deceive mankind. And it is from a position of knowledge that we will defeat his wiles - the spiritual knowledge that brings freedom (John 8:32). Here's the verse again:
Think about this. Although the decree for their deliverance had been passed, the Jews would still have been annihilated if they had not been made aware of their position and standing in relation to the King prior to the day of conflict.
Resolve to Win
With his mouth the godless man destroys his neighbour, but through knowledge the righteous will be delivered. (Proverbs 11:9)
Though the enemy has been ousted from heaven, it is not enough for us to simply claim we are redeemed. The Holy Spirit has been given to guide us into all truth such that we can overcome the darkness in our times and stand in the perfect will of the King of kings. We need this truth to be revealed to us and in us so that we can take our rightful position in His royal order.
“For since the days of John the Baptist the kingdom of God suffers violence and the violent take it by force” (Matthew 11:12).
It is important to be alert at all times and even in a time of peace to prepare for war. Those who simply stagnate because a temporal success has been achieved in their “Makkedah” may not press through to the true end of the conflict.
“But these five kings had fled and hidden themselves in a cave at Makkedah. And it was told Joshua, saying, “The five kings have been found hidden in the cave at Makkedah.” So Joshua said, “Roll large stones against the mouth of the cave, and set men by it to guard them. And do not stay there yourselves, but pursue your enemies, and attack their rear guard. Do not allow them to enter their cities, for the LORD your God has delivered them into your hand.” (Joshua 10:16-19)
Joshua was careful not to let his military men enter into a time of ease or relaxation simply because they had they had captured the leaders of their enemies. Despite the fact that they were marching in the power of faith and the strength of a divine prophecy, he knew as long as he had not secured a complete victory, much still remained to be done.
In the same way, we are never to slacken our determination even in the face of the greatest of victories won for the Kingdom. We are called to be an end time army of soldiers who fight resolutely to the end and whose goal in warfare is complete victory over all of the enemy's forces. This is because when authority was given to the church, it was not given part but in whole.
In the same way, we are never to slacken our determination even in the face of the greatest of victories won for the Kingdom. We are called to be an end time army of soldiers who fight resolutely to the end and whose goal in warfare is complete victory over all of the enemy's forces. This is because when authority was given to the church, it was not given part but in whole.