Monday, May 16, 2016

The New Creation (Part V)

The Battle Within

Redemption is what has set us upon a new platform

Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God. (Romans 12:2)

In the human experience, there are three momentous processes. The first is formation, which means bringing into existence what was previously non-existent. In Eden, as far as man's creation is concerned, the original form is the image he was fashioned in - the image of God. 

The stage that followed this is deformation. This is a corruption of what had been originally formed. Though the first man was originally created in the image of God, the Bible records in Genesis 5:3 that the offspring he bore came into existence in his own fallen image and likeness, not in that of God.

Obviously, we cannot talk of a deformation unless at least in some way, there was an original, uncorrupted formation from which things have departed.

So everyone who senses there is something wrong with the state of the world as it is today, even in the slightest, attests to the fact that there exists a correct order, a well-balanced and proper state of being.

The process that comes to correct deformation is what we call reformation. Reformation has to do with bringing something back to what it originally was. It is a transition, a migratory process.

There is no such thing as passive reformation because the root form of the word is active. Just as deformation comes about actively, the corrective process is also an active one.

                                           Conform                                 Transform

By conforming to the pattern of a fallen world, man sinks deeper in the deformation of his identity which also corrupts his entire view of reality. A new form has set in and this is the basis upon which his life is now being built.

This is why information is not enough. The world tries to correct the basic human problem through much information. However, simply having mental awareness about facts is not enough to win this battle. Trying to make sure that all the facts we have in our head are correct is not enough. In fact, those who have been informed can just as easily become misinformed, since the root of the problem has not been dealt with.

Information alone is insufficient. Like the root word, it suggests simply bringing in a new form (in- and -form). The solution is not to attempt to squeeze in a new form together with the old. The ‘deform’ (which is the old form) has to first be removed to create room for the new. The new form is what we want because he brings with him the original order of things as they should have been in the first place (2 Corinthians 10:5). The new form is about the new man who has been created after Christ in true righteousness. He is born of God, He overcomes the world.

The process through which we acquire the new form in place of the old is when we come to the cross and receive salvation. It does not come about through information. Something happens in the depths of our being and God is revealed in a manner we had never seen Him before. This is beyond information. It is revelation. It is what sets us off on the path toward transformation.

Note the difference in the root words. Trans- means there is a movement involved and in this case, it is the old form coming out and the new form getting in. An exchange, a transfer of forms has taken place. The person becomes a new creature. Old things pass away. Behold, all things become new.

However, salvation does not erase the corrupt human nature or the ‘deform’. After rebirth has taken place, we can choose to either continue on the path of transformation, or go back to being conformed to the patterns of the world we left behind. This is the battle that now begins to characterize the life of the believer. What ensues here is a conflict between the old order and the new one.

This invisible battle has greater significance than all others on earth, because its consequences are eternal. The flesh and the spirit are in continuous conflict with each other. There is no escaping this war. In the spiritual sense, no matter how influential a ministry is, it cannot work like a systems analyst or professional programmer who formulates a software for our lives that will make us function in the new order by default!.

However, redemption is what has set us upon a new platform. And to have a heart of redemption means that you see beyond the present into what will later emerge when the work is completed and the battle has been won. This is the foundation of our hope. There is enough power in the Spirit not just to regenerate, but to overcome and prevail against corruption. We may believe in reformation, but for our lives to be fully transformed, we need to encounter God in a far deeper way than we have ever thought of before.